1848 (June 12). Guadalajara to Mexico. EL. Box name + date + "3" (GD 13 / Sch. 292). VF.
1843 (4 Aug.). Guadalajara to Durango. E. With boxed name + date + 3. F-VF. GD13 / Sch. 292.
C. 1850. Hostotlaquil to Mejico. E. With double oval line "HOSTOTLAQUIL" + boxed "Franco" + "2" on reverse (GD 145) (xxx). XF and extraordinary rare mark.
1843 (Dec. 19). Tepic to Mejico. EL. with red boxed "TEPIC / Noviembre 19 de 1843" + "6" (GD 264 / Sch. 408). XF.
1861 (20 Jan.). Sello Negro. Early Period. Guadalajara to Zapotlan. Stampless E. "Franco / Guadalajara" dated double ring + "2" on reverse. VF.
1835 (Aug. 14). Guanajuato to Mejico. E. Boxed date pmk (xx). F-VF.
1861 (March 22). Sello Negro. Mineral de La Luz to Mejico. Stampless E. "Franco / Guanajuato" cds + "2" on reverse. VF.
1862 (April 3). Sello Negro. Yrapuato to Guanajuato. Stampless EL. with oval box "FRANCO EN / YRAPUATO" (xxx) (No charge) (GN32 / Sch. 496). XF and scarce period usage.
1837 (March 17). Jalapa to Veracruz. EL. Addressed to the US Consul in Veracruz / M. Burrough, with red box name + date (JA7).
C. 1850. Jalapa to Puebla. E. Name + date box (JA7/Sch.595) (xx).
1849 (May 5). Jalapa to Puebla. Name + date box + "3" (JA7) (xxx). Signed inside JKB (John Bash). VF.
1863 (Jan. 18). Sello Negro. Lagos to Carro. Via Zacatecas. Stampless EL. with double line "FRANCO / EN LAGOS" + "2" on reverse (xx). LG3 / Sch. 663. VF and scarce cover.
1849 (9 Sept.). Lagos to Chihuahua. EL. with fancy double line "Lagos / Septiembre 9" 9LG5 with "2" and "4" charges on front. Corrected date. Unlisted mark in black.
1848 (Nov. 29). San Juan to Durango. E. Oval "SAN JUAN / DE LAGOS" + "3" (LG31) + manuscript date. VF.
1846 (Dec. 18). San Juan to Mejico. EL. Oval "San Juan / de Lagos". LG31 / Sch. 676 (xx/xxx). VF.
1843 (15 April). Mazatlan to Durango. EL. Box "PUERTO DE / MAZATLAN" + "3" (xxx) (MZ6). XF.
1848 (June 3). Mazatlan to Durango. E. With red double ring "PTO. DE MAZATLAN / Junio 3 1848" + "6" (xxx). MZ4. VF.
1862 (July 29). Sello Negro. Pto. Mazatlan to Durango. E. Box "Pto. De Mazatlan / Julio 29" (xx/xxx). Fancy ornamental exceptional strike FRANCO (MZ6, MZ6A / Sch. 739/740). A prestige item. XF.
1846 (Dec. 26). Culiacan to Durango. E. Red fancy oval "CUALIACAN" (xx) + "3" (MZ47). Fine and very rare postmark.
1827 (Feb. 28). Mejico to Veracruz. EL. Red straightline MEXICO (M1 Type). Sch. 816. Fine and early entire letter.
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