1959. Nairobi - Switzerland (14 Feb). Express airmail fkd env Fanna. Slogan cars cancel reverse.
1964 (28 Nov). Tanganyika. Moshi - UK / Guilford. Air reg multifkd env.
1951 (23 Nov). Kilimandscharo - Switzerland. Multifkd PPC. Fine.
1944 (14 Jan). Nairobi - USA. Air multifkd env British + S Africa ovptd stamps diff currency denominations. Aprox 5sh 5c rate censored N/188 label.
1946 (1 Oct). FM OAS. Censor env to Nairobi / arrival cds.
1951 (9 Oct). Lindi / Tanganika - Portuguese GOA / India (17 Oct). Reg air multifkd env.
1943 (3 Dec). Nairobi - Switzerland. Fkd cuadruple censored airmail chief field PO Nazi. Fine.
1952 (27 May). Nairobi Duke Street, TSO - Switzerland (30 May). Reg air multifkd incl 10c diff issues same value + diff currencies, arriving damaged + Swiss tied seals on both sides. Most interesting p history item. Stmaps 1sh 70cts comb.
1944 (28 Sept). Military stat leetersheet. East Africa comm - Birmingham. APO-60 censored. Fine used.
1937 (19 Nov). Elburgon - UK. 15c red third issue stat card cds. VF used.
1948 (7 Nov). Kampala - Zanzibar. 10c brown stat card. Fine used comercially.
1935 (2 May). Imuru - Germany. 20c orange stat env size 135 x 106 adtl. First date of usage. Most unusual used so.
1947 (30 Dec). Kiambu - USA. 20cts orange stat env air fkd 3 adtl incl S Africa ovptd issue flap point-rounded on reverse. VF.
1952 (4 April). Uplandi - USA. Third issue 20c orange stat env 20cts adtl cds. No inscription but zig-zag of curved lines flap more pointed type. Fine.
1952 (5 Feb). Ascot - Lougborough. Used in UK 30c blue reg stat env + 2 adtl GB cds with arrival. Curiosity.
1955 (11 Jan). Kiambu - Nairobi. Local reg 40c blue stat env + 2 adtls. Fine used.
1954 (23 Sept). Machakos - Nairobi (24 Sept). Reg local 40c blue large size stat env + 10c adtl mixed issues. Fine with arrival reverse cds.
1930 (16-17 July). Lushoto - Germany. 15c red stat card. VF used.
1923-43. Stat mint coll cards doble reg env preprinted. 2 specimen 45 diff items. From first issue. Mostly VF. Opportunity.
1957 (30 May). Nairobi - USA. OHMS airmail EAP & T used env. Fine usage.
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