1944 (Apr 17) Cote de Somalis - Palestine, Jerusalem. Air depart censor + cds + British label KK / 34152 + French + cachet + A rare WWII postal history link
1901 (19-25 Febr). Djibouti - Belgium, Teluny (13 March) 10c Obock franked photo view ppc, blue cds + arrival. Camels photo. Very early card.
1901 (17-25 Febr) Djibouti photo view card Obock 5c (x2) blue cds. Addressed to Belgium (13 March) Very rare usage + destination. Hotel de France photo.
1949 (28 Dec). Djibouti - France. Air multifkd colorful env. blue cds.
1912 (6 Aug.). DJIBOUTI - SAUDI ARABIA. Djibouti (French Somalia) to Perim Island/Red Sea. Env.franked on reverse 25c.blue tied cds, also on front, with British Aden cd alongside (7 Aug.). Unusual destination.
1944. Registered envelope addressed to Cairo, with franking of "France libre" ovpt issue and Egyptian (nš3) and Somali censorship (nš2).