1936-58. Airmail multifkd env to Europe. Four items reg VF group.
1939 (21 Dec). Valp - UK / Christmas. Air France card air fkd + special rate. Valid till 6 Jan 1940 (!) (2 weeks). VF + scarce to third Country dest / 4 days to Europe.
1956-78. First flights. 16 diff. Nice cond.
1935 (8 Oct). Valparaiso - UK. Condor flight reg fkd env. special cachet. First Condor flight from Chile to Europe.
1932. Fkd env Salitre issue / pqbt + reverse "Habana / Cuba Oct 18/32". "Compre azucar cubano". Very interesting.
1929 (15 Feb). Valp - Netherlands. Reg multifkd env 20c x7 + 50c + special R-label BA - SA (xxx/RRR). Superb item.
1922 (13 Dec). Viņa del Mar - UK. Lovely fkd env 20c pair / central cds. Via Cordillera.
1921 (Oct). Temulco - Switzerland. Color ilustr Swiss Watches business fkd env / 40c. Santiago + arrival Buren cds reverse. Lovely item.
1929 (30 June). Pica - USA. Ilustrated multifkd env. lovely usage.
1922. Santiago - Germany. Fkd pm wrapper tied cds + special cachet "Anotado en Guia" / Santiago pm (xxx/R). VF.
1930. Valdivia - Germany. Reg multifkd German Consular ilustrated env + special Wax seal reverse + Special violet reg cachet + reg cds. VF.
1924. Santiago - Italy. Fkd env + tied label Italy Institute - Chile / tied special cachet. XF.
1924. Santiago - Italy. Fkd env tied. Instituto Italiano / Chile label on reverse. Fine.
1950. Valp - Switzerland. Air reg multifkd env. VF.
1943. Santiago - Switzerland. Air fkd env 2 diff Caribbean censoship labels incl Bermuda / IC.
1948 (25 May). Santiago - France. Air multifkd env French p dues x 7 = 40 f / tied cds. VF multicolor aur env. lovely item.
1929. Valp - UK. Reg fkd env / R-label / 1 peso 40c / Fine.
1926. Valp - USA. Reg AR multifkd env / 2 diff labels. VF + scarce. Transits + arrival reverse.
1913. Valp - USA. Reg multifkd / 3 tied labels / incl mns / see! / irregular form cachet with lower border. WW I.
1910. Junin - USA. Reg AR multifkd mixed issues env / R-label / mns.
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