1900 (22 June). Tangier - Switzerland, Solothurn (26 June). 10c red ovpd 10c stat card Sage gral type cds. Fine used.
1906. Tangier local usage FPO 10c Sage doble stat card red ovptd 10c cds. Fine.
1906 (7 March). Tanger local ovptd Allegory type ovptd 10c. Fine used no message.
1906. tangier local use. FPO 5 c Allegory type stat card locally proper rate used no message. VF.
1945 (5 Dec). Amizmiz - UK, Bath. Ai multifkd env. XF cds. Nice item. 6fr rate.
1919 (27 June). Casablanca - France, Carcassone (7 July). Military cacht fkd PPC. Fine.
1955. Tanger - USA. Le Depeche. Marocaine. Newspaper wrapper mixed Spain Tanger fkd 45c rate tied rolling cachet. VF scarce stamps usage rate incl Virgin Lope de Vega.
1929 (6 Dec). Casablanca - Sweden. Air fkd card 1fr 50c accepted as correct rate. VF.
1926 (29 Aug). Casablanca - Switzerland (1 Sept). Reg multifkd mixed issues airmail env usage. Interesting combination.
1926. Marrakech - Amecy / French (18 Feb). Air fkd military mail env + troupes Occup du Marocco. Occidental cachet. Fine via Casablanca.
c.1929. Benitra. Pict card Le Sultan boarding at Bon - Regreg. Fine.
1929. Aced Bebr / Beth. Coll of 7 photo cards of a mine, one addressed to Switzerland. Most unusual early group.
1942 (14 Oct). Casablanca - Switzerland (18 Oct). Reg air multifkd env Swiss Consular mail + cachet. Uncensored mail v interesting direct.
1932 (10 Feb). Casablanca - Switzerland. Multifkd PPC via airmail tied label modified Insuficient airmail violet cachet. Scarce.
1933-53. P PPC circulated to Switzerland diff fkgs. Opportunity.
1910 (17 Jan). Tanger - France. Fkd env / ovptd. VF.
1935 (26 Dec). Khouribga - UK. Reg fkd env the only complete item of origin in this correspondence that we´ve seen. Fine.
1923 (27 Aug). Tanger - USA. Fkd PPC ovptd local Tanger on Maroc 10c issue / cds. Fine scarce to USA.
1928 (14 Aug). Tanger - France. Hotel ilustr fkd env. arrival VF.
1922 (1 Feb). Mazagan - France / Annecy. Reg multifkd env / Arab ovptd issue. Fine. Arrival cds.
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