1958 (29 Jan). Tijuca / RJ - Kiev / Ukraine / URSS (9 Feb). Reg AR airmail multifkd incl comm issue. Fine scarce.
1957 (15 Sept). Tijuca / RJ - Kiev / Ukraine / URSS (24 Sept). Reg airmail AR postal service. Unfkd env incl comm issue Scout / Baden Powell. Scarce.
1945. National Council of Carpatho Ukraine. Uzhorod. Annexed Czech. Local fkd wrapper (Michael #81), tied violet cds. Inquiry concerning ownership of plows of village. Rarity item.
1946 (5 April). Carpato Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Ruthenia. Uzhorod - Hungary 20p red stat card + adtl incl.
1923 (7 July). Odessa - UK / London. Federation of Ukranian Jews.reverse multifkd mixed issues incl ovptd stamps. Fine condition.
1942 (13 Dec). Cherson - Bulgaria / Dupnitza (30 Dec). Nazi Occup reg air multifkd env. ovptd issue. Scarce dest with arrival cds.
1939 (25 March). Carpatho - Ukraine. Husit - Zalaegersief. Patriotic ilustrated fkd card / violet fkd card / violet cachet. V rare item.
1925 (11 April). Bazalia - Moscow (16 April). Reg Soviet fkd local card. Slogan cachet + fiscal reverse / tied. Scarce.
1901 (30 July). Kiev / Ukraine - Germany / Kolberg. 2k green stat complete wrapper. Fine good cancel cds.
1920 (10 Nov). Kharkov to Ekaterinoslav 1920 RyB Surcharge. Multifkd money order 20r vert strip of five / cds. Proper transits VF scarce. Ex Gibrick coll.
1920 (21 Jan). Kharkov to Ekaterinoslav. Mixed fkg (R!). Money order . 1920 RyB overprint. One inverted position. Ex - Gibrick coll.
1919 (18 Jan). Vinnitsa to Krasilov (Voluyn) showing postal savings usage (RR) mixed fkg stamps were cut by scissors to avoid reusage. Ex-Ukranian Postal Archives. Ex-Gibrick coll.
1918 (29 Oct). Ladzhinki - Vinica. Reverse fkd ovptd env. Fine. Ex-Gibrick coll.
1919 (2 Feb). Mogiler - Tulchin (17 June 1920) with delay or cds error in date as per anotation. Reg mixed issues fkd env. Ex - Gibrick coll.
1918 (27 Dec). Kiev uncirculated signed ovptd philatelic usage. Fine.
1918 (27 Dec). Kiev local fkd uncirculated (x3) ovptd usage. Fine.
1918. Local ovptd cancel to order stat card. Fine.
c.1918-9. Local uncirculated ovptd fkd env Kiev. Usage.
1919 (4 Nov). Massive fkd on both side money order with mixed ovptd issues / high values. Some minor usual faults usual of items of this size. Show item. Ex-Gibrick coll.
1872 (19 Oct). Ukraine - Poland - Austrian Europe - Galizia - Bukonna - Broschit. Bohorodczan - Pest / Hungary. 1st issue bilingual large lettering Austrian stat card. Rare cancel / 50mp.
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