1919. Le Moule - Mexico / Chihuahua. Registr multifkd env. Scarce dest mail.
1930. GUADELOUPE. Pointe - a - Pitre - France. Fkd env + French p due. Taxed mail.
1885. Villa Guadalupe / SLP. E fkd. 10c. Green Medalion. Tied "Frco / LA LUZ" (xx). F-VF.
MARTINIQUE. 1897. Guadaloupe - Prince Edward Islands / Canada. Env 5c cds printed matter rate. Very scarce.
GUADALOUPE. 1868 (6 Feb). Pointe-a-Pitre to Port Canal. Official. Registered local usage front, bearing Eagle issue 10c bister. Horizontal strip of three, tied romboids "CHARGE" (xxx) + cds + 3 full margins, 30cts officials registered rate + official Cour
1891 (10 Oct). San Juan de Guadalupe/DURANGO to DF. 5c blue stat.card. Scarce town usage. VF.
1861 (Dec.). Guadalupe y Calvo / Chihuahua to Parral. EL. Red double line "FRANCO / GUAD Y CALVO" (xxx) + "2" on reverse. CH 61. VF and scarce. Sch. 155.
1891 (20 Jan). VENEZUELA - GUADALUPE. Caracas to Guadalupe / Pointe a Pitre. 10c.blue stationery card + blue French octagonal paqbt. Extraordinary intercaribban destination. Rarity.
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