1914 (2-3 Feb). EAP. Nairobi - Germany. Via Mombasa (4 Feb). 6c red third issue stat card. Fine used.
1914 (2 Feb). Nairobi - Mombasa (4 Feb). Germany. 3c green stat card + adtls. Third issue. Fine.
1907 (18 June). Kampala - UK (15 July). 1a red bluish first issue stat env. Via Mombassa (23 June).
1924 (25 Nov). GEA Camp Post Office - Dar es Sallam. Portuguese India / Goa / Margao. Stamps NZ ilustrated multifkd postcard 3c (x3) cds v scarce correct complete usage dest.
1919 (6 June). Mombassa - Brazil /P. Alegre (26 Aug). Fkd PPC. Arrival on front 80 days transit time + dest.
1935 (12 Dec). Vedraek - Kenya / East Africa. Air ultifkd env. scarce dest usage.
c.1940. Military officer (WTS) fkd censored letter to Kenya / East Africa. Unusual dest mail.
1948 (16 Sept). Indian Embassy / British Legation - Uganda / British (15 Oct). East Africa. Reg fkd env transit + arrival reverse. Rarity dest.
1944 (24 April). Sambana - Nairobi / British East Africa. Dual airmail fkd censorship labels, both in English language + dest with Africa.
1893. Mombassa - Germany. 1/2c stat card with arrival.
1911. Nairobi - UK. Printed env fkd 6c fwded. Nice.
1918 (1 April). Entebbe - REUNION Isl (French Col.). Via Mombassa and Zanzibar. Rarity destination. Fkd env + transit.
1907. Doble view postcard fkd to France. Via German East Africa German pqbt. Rare.
1912. Mombassa - Morocco / Tanger. Fkd PPC. Rare destination / French Post Office.
1915. Beira / Portuguese East Africa - Germany. Republica ovptd stat card Comercial usage. VF. Scarce.
1925. Quetzal - Villa Fontes / Mozambique Cº. Portuguese East Africa / Fwded S. Africa. Fkd. env. V. Interesting postal history item.
1985 (24 Aug) Wellington - Br. East Africa, Kenya, Nayak via Nairobi (2 Sept) Registered air multifkd env front and reverse at 60d rate, tied cds + R-label. VF.
1928. New Amsterdam - Marromeu / Zambezi River / Portuguese East Africa. Frkd env 2c (x2), forwarded to England / Hove.
1929. New Amsterdam - Marromeu / Mozambique Cº / Portuguese East Africa. Frkd env 2c (x3). Transits + arrival on reverse. Scarce dest usage, forwarded to Luabo.
1896 (Apr.19). ADEN-SAUDI ARABIA-GERMAN COLONIES. Aden to Tanga/German East Africa ( May 96). Via dar-es-Salaam ( 28 April). 1c/1 1/2a stat.card with square diamond cds + "too late" box of departure Aden post office aux.mark. VF and scarce.
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