1847 (17 Sept). EL from the Secretary to the District Commission at Monselice. Bearing official handstamp, Monselice (Veneto) despatch 20 Sept and in green Noale (Veneto) 21 Sept arrival backstamp.
1824 (5 Nov). EL from Malo (Veneto) with dispatch and in red manuscript "6" postal rate to Rovato. VF.
1840 (3 Dec). EL from the Court of the justice of the Peace at Lonigo (Veneto). Bearing official handstamp "IR Pretura di Lonigo" in oval frame, Lonigo despatch dated 6 Dec and Bassano arrival dated 7 Dec. XF.
1832 (2 June). Official EL. From Lonigo (Veneto) bearing handstamp and Lonigo despatch to Virenza (Veneto) with "Vicenza" arrival on reverse.
1836 (24 Sept). EL from the Court of the Justice of the Peace at Lonigo (Veneto) to its counterpart at Lonato (Lombardia) bearing official handstamp "IR Pretura in Lonigo" in oval frame Lonigo despatch also in oval frame and manuscript "2" & "10" past in
1847 (10 April). EL from the Court of the Justice of the Peace at Legnago (Veneto) to its couterpart at Bassano bearing blue official handstamps framed "I R Pretura di Legnago" blue despatch and arrival.
1842 (16 Nov). EL from Legnago (Veneto) bearing Legnago despatch boxed Novembre and manuscript "4" postal rate to Venezia with arrival on reverse.
1824 (13 July). E from Isola della Scala (Veneto) bearing framed Isola della Scala despatch.
1858 (9 Dec). EL from the Court of the Justice of the Peace, bearing official handstamp "Imp Reg Pretura de Feltre" and despatch stamp Feltre (Veneto) / 9 Dic and on reverse arrival.
1839 (Feb). E from the Court of the justice of the Peace, bearing official handstamp framed "I R Pretura di Feltre" despatch stamp framed Feltre (Veneto) addressed to the Justice of the Peace at Biadene.
1809 (20 Feb). Entire from Este (Veneto) to Padova (Veneto) with dispatch in red and on reverse Padova arrival in script print.
1842 (12 Nov). EL from the Court of the justice of the Peace at Cittadella (Veneto) to his counterpart at Bassano (Veneto) bearing official handstamp "I R Pretura De Cittadella" blue despatch and arrival. F-VF.
1831 (14 Nov). EL from the Court of the justice of the Peace at Chioggia (Veneto) to his counterpart at Asolo (Veneto) bearing official framed handstamp " I R Pretura del classe in Chioggia" and handstruck Chioggia despatch.
1814 (14 Sept). From Chioggia (Veneto) to Loreo (Veneto) bearing the official handstamp of teh writer, Chiozza (Chioggia) despatch and manuscript "3" postal rate.
1839 (16 Oct). EL from the Court of the Justice of the Peace at Ceneda to Bisdenes, bearing official handstamps framed "I R Pretura di Ceneda· and Ceneda (Veneto) despatch. VF.
1863 (29 Dec). Entire from the Court of the justice of the Peace at Camposampiero (Veneto) to its counterport at Biadene, bearing afficial double ring handstamps "I R Pretura di Camposampiero" despatch Camposampiero dated 29 Dec and on reverse transit Men
1839 (20 Sept). EL from the Judicial Office at Cadore (Veneto) to Biadene bearing handstruck framed Cadore.
1825 (15 June). EL from the President of the Royal Court at Belluno (Veneto) to the justice of the Asolo (Veneto) bearing in red "Belluno" straight line despatch and official handstamp in oval "Imp Regio Tribunale Provinciale di Belluno".
1830. Isevinano - Firenze. EL stline "Acqua Pendente" (xxx / R). XF. Arrival ds.
1839 (25 Feb). EL from the Court of the justice of the Peace at Bassano to its counterpart at Aslo bearing boxed official handstamp "I. R. Pretuta di Bassano" and Bassano (Veneto) despatch dated 27 Feb.
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