1904 (20 April). Port Antonio - Denmark (9 May). Via Kingston. 1d blue / buff stat card.
1896 (2 Sept). Montego Bay - UK. 1d blue stat card fwded. Fine.
1895 (15 Oct). Kingston - India (18 Nov). 1d blue stat card. Scarce dest. Fine. Sea PO alongside.
1905 (18 March). Kingston - Colombia / Cucuta (20 March). 1d blue stat card. Fine. Rare dest usage. F-VF. Arrival cds.
1901 (9 Oct). Gordon Town - Halfway Tree. Local 1/2d brown stat card. VF. Local usage.
c.1938. Jamaica viewcard 20ore fkd pqbt to USA / doble cachet. Scarce.
1893 (16 May). London - Jamaica / West Indies (31 March). Doble print stat env. Via NY (24 March). Per SS Normania.
1950 (30 Jan). Richmond Farm Prison - UK. 6d air letter sheet. VF used. Unclear if sender was a warden or a prisioner, but indicates he wants to return to England and become engineer.
1842 (5 Feb). Lima - Panama - Jamaica - Ireland. Historical EL full text per via steamer to Panama - Kingston (14 April), London (28 May) and Dublin (29 May), text: General O´Higgins is seriously ill… He ought to postpone his journey to Chile. Rare early
1950. Kingston - USA. Air multifkd env. XF. Lovely cond.
1940. Multifkd air rate env addressed to USA / NY. Censored label.
1947. Wuhsien - Jamaica / British West Indies / Caribbe. Mixed issues incl ovptd multifkd env + arrival cds (24 Nov). V scarce dest mail.
1947. Kingston - UK. Air fkd env. 2sh stamp + 6d. Via BSAA.
1960 (15 Nov). Suva / Govt Buildings - Jamaica / BWI. Intercolonial multifkd airmail env. 22d rate. Unusual dest.
1954 (12 May). Windwardrcad - Mona - Scotland. Air multifkd (x6) env with aux airmail pmk. Returned for aditional postage. (xxx/R). Smashing item. Reg adtl fkg + completed. Total 18d.
1957. Kingston - USA. Air multifkd (x8) env. XF.
1958. Palisadoes - USA. Air multifkd env incl 2 x cover of sheets with control Nr. XF.
1782 (8 July). Lucea / Jamaica - Portugal / Madeira. EL full contains. Transit time 10 months. Fine early mail.
1899. Kingston. Fkd env. arrival cachet.
1968/95. Kingston etc - Austria. 3 nice air multifkd envs / thematics + rates. VF.
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