1878 (Feb). Penang - USA / Erir / Pa. Fkd env US sailor correspondence item. Via London - NY.
1892 (16 March). 2c / 3c stat card used from Indonesia. Atjeh - Netherlands. Via Penang (20 March). + arrival on front. Fine + scarce.
1937 (22-25 June). Singapore - Kuala lumpur. Air fkd env + due arrival cancelled. Inaugural flight.
1957. Singapore - USA. Aerograme stationery + adtl.
1930. Penang - Poland. 2c stat card + adtl. Usage + dest.
1948. AUX. MARKING. Netherlands - Singapore fkd env + RETOUR. Airmail.
1935. Kluang / Malay States. Adv receipt Singapore mail.
1935. Cambang - Singapore. Advice receipt. Post Office.
1896. Singapore - Austria. 3c stat card. VF.
1946 (5 May). Singapore - UK. "FPO-594" OAS. Chinese chop env.
1896. Singapore - Prince Edward Is. / Canada. Fkd. env. Via Hong Kong and San Francisco. V. Rare destination area.
1901. Singapore / USA. 16c. Rate. Ovptd issue + 3 adtls. Multifkd env.
1971. Singapore / UK. Diplomatic mail bag. British Information services.
1843 (24 Nov). Singapore / UK. EL. Endorsed "G. Buckham" with Liverpool Ship. (18 April 44) on reverse. F-VF.
1875. Cardiff / Wales - Hong Kong but reposted in Singapore back to UK. Env bearing GB 1sh + 3d and St. Stlmts. 30cts, tied corck dots + red SINGAPORE PAID. Unusual combination.
1889 (29 Jan). Tanjong Pagar - UK. Envelope with full contains (central turn at center and repair) frkd Strt. Stlms 2c + 8c, cancelled in Singapore. Early letter.
1908. GB - FMS / Seramban. Frkd card with RMS Selangor code "B" / 2-10-1908 (apparently not recorded by proud as a sub code for this canceller) + cds alongside. Lower left corner outside of area gone.
1915 (20 July). Kampong - Glam - Australia. POW mail. "German Concentration Camp / Liverpool" (Sydney). 3c stat card with marks and censors.
RARE USAGE OF STRAIT SECOND ISSUE STATIONARY CARD IN ADJEH, DUTCH INDES. 1893 (21 Nov). Adjeh/Dutch Indies to Amsterdam forwarded on reverse c/o "W. U.S.S. Padam" (ship name), cancelled at Penang (Nov 28). Arrival in Amsterdam (25 Dec). Very scarce usage
1892 (2 Dec). George Town usage in Pulo Penag to Volusca (Austria). Via Penang, Singapore. Scarce usage of 2 cts on 3 cts blue stationary card used.
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