1902 (22 July). Seoul local usage 1cn blue stat + printed private on reverse (first we see in Korea) written message in Latin lenguage. Rarity.
1960 (16 May). Kwanghwamun - Germany. Air multifkd env. violet cachet. VF.
1894 (29 Aug). HK Treaty Ports. Hin Nen old Xingning or Shin Nen - Germany. 3c brown HK stat card. Via HK stat card. Via HK (13 Sept). Text refers to Korea - Japanese - China upcoming wars. 2 weeks inwards trip from HK. Rarity.
1950 (13 / 15 Oct). Busan - Sweden. 5cm red stat card + adtl, cancelled but carried via US Army Postal Service (18 Oct), with adtl US Army Postal Service (18 Oct), plus US 5c blue prexy, tied grill cork. Exceptional comb at peak of war at Korea. Genuine p
1964 (23 June). Pusan - USA. 18m stat air letter sheet + 2 adtls. Fine.
1962 (19 June). Techeon - USA. 100m stat air lettersheet + 3 adtls stamps. VF.
1956 (18 Dec). Kwang Hwa Mun - USA. Tricolor fkd env lilac cachet. XF. Item.
1926. Kwanju - USA. Fkd env 2s green Japan as printed matter + cachet. XF.
1941 (28 May). Husan / Työsen - USA. Japanese Occup. Goverment fkd card to USA. Xtraord rare violet cachet. Husan / Tyojen / foreign cds. Short lived. Comercial usage.
1912 (9 Dec). Keijo - UK (27 Dec). Fkd env 2 sen green Japan tied Keijo / Seoul / Chosen (xxxx) Superb strike sent as printed matter opened env with arrival cds. Would displays well opened lap. Via Siberia, transit 18 days. Exceptional exhibition item.
1903 (7 Sept). Chemulpo - China / Shanghai (12 Sept). Early viewcard fkd mixed 1ch green + 3 ch on 50p lilac (Yv type f), both tied cds with arrival alongside. Exceptional superb cond + unusual dest.
1891 (16 April). Seoul local complete wrapper ilustrated usage fkd 1p on 25p with Tai - Han overprint in scarce black color, tied Seoul cds. Gorgeous usage in excellent cond. Exhibition item.
1922 (9 Sept). Jido - Seoul. Multifkd env lovely usage.
1949 (29 March). Seoul - USA. Missionary multiovptd env. XF.
1949 (29 March). Seoul - USA. Fkd env. VF.
1952 (3 Aug). Pusan - USA. Air multifkd env.
1948 (26 Nov). Seoul - USA. Air fkd env. Fine.
1912 (2 Oct). Kaijo - USA. Fkd card. Via Yokohama. Lovely cds strike. Viewcard Suiheyanbashi bridge. VF.
c.1948. Songpa / Kwangjugun - USA. Fkd env. Nice cond.
1884. Yv 3/5 (x)/x. 25,50 and 100ms. Mostly fine.
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