1948 (8 Nov). L. Marques - Canada. 3 diff issues, incl Luisiadas (reverse). Nice condition. Cancel "Correio aereo".
1951 (22 Jan). Beira - Denmark. Air multifkd env. nice condition. XF.
1948 (10 Nov). Beira - Denmark. Air multifkd env. luisiadas + VF.
1957. L. Marques - USA. Official Post stampless env + label. VF.
1947 (4 March). Beira - Netherlands. Air fkd mixed issues env + ovptd value. VF. USA flags label.
1950. Beira - USA. Fkd env. XF.
1938 (25 Oct). L. Marques - USA. Multifkd Luisiadas env. Fine.
1937 (2 June). L. Marques - USA. Multifkd Luisiadas issue env, incl 85c par. VF-XF.
1948. L. Marques - USA / NYC. 1c stat card + 2 adtls Luisiadas. Tied transit marks. Comercial BNV printed.
1945 (11 April). L. Marques - South Africa. Reg multifkd env. 80c strip of three. VF.
1892. 30rs stat card to Germany. Via Aden. VF.
1910. Mozambique - Munich. PPC fkd + arrival.
1906. L. Marques - Germany. 20rs stat card. VF scarce used.
1905. L. Marques - Switzerland. Fishing boats PPC fkd margin border 20rs.
1896. L. Marques local usage. VF condition.
1930. L. Marques - Germany. Fkd taxed PPC + aux mark. Red paid at arrival. VF.
1939. Mozambique - Hamburg. Air fkd taxed env with 3E sc. Via Strassbourg / France. Interesting routing.
1909. L. Marques - USA. Pretoria PPC fkd 25rs. VF.
1895. L. Marques - Berlin. 30rs green stat card. Pretoria business.
1895. Quelimane - Mozambique. 20rs rose stat card. Internally used.
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