1910 (23 Sept). Lukafu - Kafubo / Lulombashi 10c red internal stat card. Fine used.
1941 (1 May). Stanleyville - USA / NY. Rare private card rate censored. V scarce item.
1948-55. 7 nice multifkd env to Switzerland airmails combs. Opportunity.
1952-82. Independence multifkd air env to Switzerland. 13v fine usages reg express thematics comercial. VF.
1946 (28 Nov). Bela Vista - Congo / Leopoldville fkd env ad printed matter opened out with arrival on reverse ovptd issue. VF.
1891 (20 May). BA - Germany. Wrapper fkd 2c pair tied cds per Congo scarce.
1893 (1 Aug). Imbembo - Belgique. 15c red stat card, via Hal, Leopold ville and Boma (26 Sept). Almost 2 months in Congo transit before departure.
1911. Kasongo - Belgium. Fkd card. Transited. Fine.
1960 (30 July). UNEF. Irish troups Internal usage. Interesting airmail fkd env. reverse Irish Batallion.
1899 (7 Dec). Matadi - Boma - Belgium Anvers (5 Jan) 10c orange stat card + adtl. 5c Etat Independant.
1912 (12 Nov). Inongo - UK. Fkd view cds. Rio Jurua.
c.1947-50. 10 multiple fkd envs to Belgium. Couple Buta cancels / airmails. All F-VF.
1898 (29 Dec). Boma - Belgium. 15c stat card dine used with full message. Endorsed Per mala Portugaise. Via Lisbonne. Interesting full spelling.
1895 (5 Jan). Matadi - Liege / Belgium. 15c blue stat card. Private full message. VF.
1911 (8 May). Thysville - Belgium / Watermael. 5c / 10c ovptd stat card + adtl. Uncomm ovptd stat used.
1941 (1 Dec). Belgium. Congo - USA. 1st flight.
1967. Kinshasha - UK. Hand color ilustr env + contains. Fancy item.
1915 (4 Aug). Lyon - Boma / Belgian Congo. Fkd card + arrival.
1911. Kibombo - Belgium. 10c ovptd stat card. Via Leopoldville. Fine.
1944 (30 March). Watsa - USA. Missionary mail fkd censored env. "Christ for America / The Light of the World" label on reverse. F-VF.
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