Germany - cover -1871 Wolgast to Stettin NDP EL fkd full text. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1895 Stuttgart to Switz Zurich stat card taxed, missing xtra stamp in transit or rejected. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1862 Gritinz to Berlin stat env large size scarcer type. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1867 Leissnig to Meissen stat env Sachsen. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1870 Neutrelitx to Switz Zurich regstr fakd env, further stamp missing in transit. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1879Budingen to Ortenberg fkd EL with text. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1885 Ortenberg to Pfalzfunfrau fkd EL official, box ds. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1867 Prusia Frankfurt to Muhlhauses EL with text fkd 9kr. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -c,1860s T&T. Meiningen to Hiliburghauses stat env. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1889 Berlin local stat card, fine used. Easy deal.
Germany - cover -1882 Boppard to Magdeburg box ds stat card. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1898 Bayern Pfalz to Braunsweig stat card tpo. Nice. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1890 Wurttemberg, Plieningen to Mohringen stat card. Fine. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1880 Leer to Portugal Porto wine trade stat card box ds. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1899 Darmstadt to Rouwonsdorf EL with text fkd cds. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1900 Wurttemberg Ulm to USA Nashville, Tenn fkd ppc, better dest. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1875 Hamburg to Portugal Lisbon EL single fkd cds+ oval FRANCA portuguese. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1895 Bayern Nestadt local official printed busines pm unsealed wrapper. Easy deal.
Germany - cover - 1836 Prusia Berlin to Bordeaux EL depart cds + red and other transits and charge. Fine. Easy deal.
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