1878. Berlin to France. Stat.card + Adtl. (minor pin holes).
1876. Berlin to France. Stat.card (pinholes) +adtl.
1876. Gottingen to France. Stat.card (pinholes) + adtl.
1876. Strassburg to Paris/France. Stat.card (pinholes) + adtl.
1876. Leipzgig to France. Stat.card + adtl. Fine shade. (2 minimal pinholes).
1879. Bonn to France. Stat.card + adtl.(2 pinholes). Fine.54084
1878. Berlin to France. Private franked card.
1875. Sottingen to France. Stat.card (pinholes) + adtl.
1907. Double stationery card usage. Oybin/Jonsdorf.
1890. V. rare multiple franking. 2 mark in cover.
1923. Egypt/Cairo to Hamburg. Taxed frkd.ovpt.issue PPC "PORTO" mark. Appeal.
1888. 31. Mulhausen to Hayten re-addressed to France. (Yvert).
1890(20/8). Flensburg to Paramaribo (Surinam). Rare destination.
1886. 38 (3). Frankfurt to Paris. Registered. (Yvert).
1885. 39 (3). Berlin to Paris. Three stamps 20pf. Registered. Sent by Gustavo Gelli. (Yvert).
1886. 38-39-41. Hamburg to Paris. Registered. Charge. (Yvert).
1906. Braunschweig to Penang (Straits Settlements). Arrival mark. Postal stationery 10pl. red.
1882. 38 (6). Hannover to Paris. Registered. (Yvert).
1885. 38-39-41. Homburg V.D. Hohe to Paris. Registered. (Yvert).
1873. 15-78. Bremen to U.S.A. (Yvert).
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